Original post from Sept. 16, 2013>
Yes, that’s right. Tomorrow. As in less than 24 hours from now, J and I will be sitting at an airport waiting to board the plane to embark on this crazy, beautiful journey.
I say crazy because, well, I never imagined that I would be doing anything of this sort. Partly because I wasn’t sure that I would ever be “up” for a mission trip, partly because I didn’t think it would all pan out when my friend and I started talking about it, and mostly because I spent years feeling so awkward and useless around kids that I never imagined I would go half way around the world to serve and play with them….but God has a funny way of doing things, so here I am.
I’ve spent the past three years, since I welcomed my very first nephew into this world, learning how best to love kids and honestly, just learning to be myself around them. I think my mother-bear, nurturing instincts were buried inside me all along, I just needed a reason to find them. And my sweet nephew was that reason….then came more nephews, and the amazing kids & volunteers at My Sister’s House, and then sponsoring our three boys at Hands of Love….AND NOW UGANDA.
“All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.” Isaiah 54:13
Fast forward to today….and I absolutely adore kids, I love playing with them, making them giggle, teaching them, learning with them, being the fun person in the playground, being the disciplinary (because they need it and it only means I love them that much more), building forts with them, making up games to play, dancing with them to random music, and watching them fall asleep in my arms. I’ve fallen in love with kids. God truly has worked in this heart of mine for so long. I feel like my love for kids is similar to how God loves me, unconditionally and beyond any circumstances (1 John 4:19). One day, I hope to have my own kids and I also hope to adopt a few, hopefully from Uganda. : )More on that some other time.
All that to say, I am so ready to go to Uganda and fall more in love with these children. Expect nothing less.

Yes, that’s right. Tomorrow. As in less than 24 hours from now, J and I will be sitting at an airport waiting to board the plane to embark on this crazy, beautiful journey.
I say crazy because, well, I never imagined that I would be doing anything of this sort. Partly because I wasn’t sure that I would ever be “up” for a mission trip, partly because I didn’t think it would all pan out when my friend and I started talking about it, and mostly because I spent years feeling so awkward and useless around kids that I never imagined I would go half way around the world to serve and play with them….but God has a funny way of doing things, so here I am.
I’ve spent the past three years, since I welcomed my very first nephew into this world, learning how best to love kids and honestly, just learning to be myself around them. I think my mother-bear, nurturing instincts were buried inside me all along, I just needed a reason to find them. And my sweet nephew was that reason….then came more nephews, and the amazing kids & volunteers at My Sister’s House, and then sponsoring our three boys at Hands of Love….AND NOW UGANDA.
“All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.” Isaiah 54:13
Fast forward to today….and I absolutely adore kids, I love playing with them, making them giggle, teaching them, learning with them, being the fun person in the playground, being the disciplinary (because they need it and it only means I love them that much more), building forts with them, making up games to play, dancing with them to random music, and watching them fall asleep in my arms. I’ve fallen in love with kids. God truly has worked in this heart of mine for so long. I feel like my love for kids is similar to how God loves me, unconditionally and beyond any circumstances (1 John 4:19). One day, I hope to have my own kids and I also hope to adopt a few, hopefully from Uganda. : )More on that some other time.
All that to say, I am so ready to go to Uganda and fall more in love with these children. Expect nothing less.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. -James 1:27
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