Thanksgiving, work and this joyous holiday-crazy-shopping season have kept me busy the past two weeks, but don't fret I've still managed to keep up my weekly gym routine, which means I still have tons of workouts to post.
I'm 29 weeks as of yesterday and as my belly is getting bigger (I feel like it's massive at this point, but there's still lots of time to go), I've run into a couple issues at the gym. Nothing serious, but things I definitely wanted to be open about and cover in case anyone else is going through the same stuff:
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) advises against aerobic exercise if you have any of these conditions while pregnant:
Regular physical activity
is an important part of a healthy pregnancy. Even if your doctor gives
you the go-ahead to work out, don't overdo it. Stop exercise immediately
and contact your healthcare provider if you have any of the following
And for my own journaling purposes, photos:

I'm 29 weeks as of yesterday and as my belly is getting bigger (I feel like it's massive at this point, but there's still lots of time to go), I've run into a couple issues at the gym. Nothing serious, but things I definitely wanted to be open about and cover in case anyone else is going through the same stuff:
- LOWER ABDOMINAL PAIN "CRAMPING" - After discussing with my OB and other moms, I've realized that mild cramping during exercise is not uncommon during pregnancy, and is not a cause for alarm (of course severe pain is- so pay attention). A common cause of cramping during exercise is round ligament pain. The round ligament supports the uterus and expands as your grown your "bump" so a cramp can be triggered by any movement, even one as mild as going from standing to sitting. I occasionally get these when working out and when I do I find that stretching and resting for a minute or two often alleviates the pain.
- LOWER BACK PAIN - What you haven't experienced this yet? Ah, I pray it doesn't ever hit you (cause when it does it's like taking a punch to the face: totally undeniable and incredibly painful). Lower back pain, though completely annoying and uncomfortable, it is absolutely normal. :) yipee! Your spine has to support the weight you're gaining, so this causes increased stressed to the spine. And beyond that, your center of gravity also changes, so your posture can change which just increases the pain. Also, as your body releases more and more relaxin (a hormone), which allows ligaments in the pelvic area to relax and the joints to become looser, it can cause ligaments that support the spine to loosen, leading to instability and even more pain. Getting excited yet? Because if all that wasn't enough, the separation of your rectal abdominis muscles may worsen your back pain. This separation is common, by the way, it occurs in 1/3 of all pregnancies.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) advises against aerobic exercise if you have any of these conditions while pregnant:
- Heart disease that significantly affects the way blood circulates in your body, such as pulmonary hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure)
- Lung disease, such as severe asthma or chronic bronchitis (an inflammation of the bronchial tubes)
- Cervical insufficiency/cerclage(premature dilation)
- Multiple pregnancy (twins or triplets, for example) if you're at risk for preterm labor
- Persistent second- or third-trimester bleeding
- Placenta previa after 26 weeks
- Preterm labor
- Ruptured membranes (meaning your water has broken)
- Preeclampsia (pregnancy-induced high blood pressure)
Signs to stop exercise during pregnancy:
- Vaginal bleeding
- Dizziness or feeling faint
- Shortness of breath
- Headache
- Chest pain
- Muscle weakness
- Calf pain or swelling (which could indicate a blood clot)
- Contractions or preterm labor
- Decreased fetal movement (Keep in mind that the baby is often most quiet when you're most active.)
- Fluid leaking (or gushing) from your vagina
And for my own journaling purposes, photos: